
Testimonials - Medicated Birth

“My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

From the time I walked into First Birth Ministries to the end of my 60-hours-and-42-minute-labor-and-delivery experience, God truly did supply all of my needs.
The class prepared me mentally, physically, and spiritually. I learned that God designed a woman’s body to give birth. The class enabled me to open my mind to the idea of natural childbirth but also instructed me on the variety of medications that one can choose to have and when a C-section is warranted and when it is not. The daily devotionals prepared me before labor as God spoke directly to my fears. During labor, the scripture verses on discouragement, patience, endurance and many others strengthened my husband and me as he read them to me. The breathing exercises and body positions were another key element that enabled us to persevere and avoid a C-section.
The class enabled us to make wise decisions each step of the way. Because of a lengthy back labor, we felt it wise to get the epidural. Six hours and 42 minutes later, Martha Grace was born on August 5th—her due date! It was truly the most wonderful experience of my life, and I can’t wait to do it all over again! She is worth it! To God Be the Glory!

Warren and Jerusha

Testimonials - Non Medicated Birth

“It’s all about Grace” “We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” I Thes. 1:3

Our miraculous conception, faith to believe God during pregnancy, surrender during labor, and steadfast trust in Him for delivery was made possible by the Living Word and the knowledge, guidance and presence we receive from it. The odds were impossible for us to conceive since we had a barren womb. The reports of Downs Syndrome during our pregnancy were haunting. Three days of exhaustive labor and the fears of the unknown we were facing upon delivery were draining: physically, emotionally, and spiritually
First Birth Ministries was the answer the Lord had sent us that we might obtain our hearts desire. The knowledge and support we received enabled and encouraged us to experience natural childbirth. To God Be all Glory! He continually is faithful toward His own granting us the desires of our hearts. On February 1st, 2003 by His Grace, we gave birth to Grace, His/our daughter. Through Christ we overcame all odds, bad reports and fears. For in Him, by Him and through Him all things are possible!
“The Lord hath done great things for us, wherefore we are glad.”

David, Kaye and Grace Lee

The day my husband and I found out we were expecting our baby, we were so full of emotion! We were going to be parents! God was blessing us with a child! We cried out to Him in praise as we put our pregnancy in His hands. We knew from the beginning we wanted to experience a “natural birth”. We made plans to take a preparation class at the hospital. Thankfully, God changed those plans! Friends suggested that we attend the First Birth Ministries’ classes.. After our first class, I told my husband that I could see that our instructor, Sharon Tilotta, had a loving heart for those preparing for birth. It was also evident that she loved the Lord. I knew that these learning times would be a blessed time.
We learned so much from the classes: breathing techniques, exercises, stages of labor, and most importantly we learned that, “a woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born.”
The day I went into labor, I called Sharon and she lovingly reminded me of the things I had learned in class. She assured me that I was ready for labor and delivery and promised that she would pray for me. My husband and I felt those prayers. Our labor was long and hard, but it was one of the most beautiful experiences of our lives. My husband prayed over me when I was in pain and he encouraged me with scripture just as Sharon had illustrated in class. We sought the Lord and He answered us. He delivered us from all our fears. His presence was with us the entire time and when our son was born calmly and peacefully, we rejoiced! The Lord brought us through labor and delivery without pain medication. He granted us the desire of our hearts!!
Thanks to First Birth Ministries and Sharon’s spiritual devotion, we received the tools needed for the natural birth that we desired. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Colin and Abby

We found out that we were expecting, I can positively say that I was full of anxiety. All I knew was that I wanted lots of drugs to alleviate the pain that I knew was coming. After stumbling across First Birth Ministries in a newsletter, I decided to sign up my husband and I (even though we were already about 32 weeks along). While taking the class, I knew that I had a very anxious spirit. Coupled with my fear of pain, the unknown, and troubling reports near the end of my pregnancy, I just didn’t know if I could handle it all. So I sought the Lord in my quiet time, and poured out all my concerns to Him. He came to me with His Word, and focused my attention on Philippians 4: 6 ” Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, through prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving, let your requests be made know to God, and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” After allowing Christ to give me His peace, I was able to fully concentrate on the material that I learned in class.
I can truly say that the knowledge I gained from taking the class GREATLY increased my comfort level with the labor experience. I could, with all testify that the fear of the unknown was no longer there. I was able to deal with the pain through the Spirit, and God totally discredited the troubling reports that surfaced regarding my baby. After about 5 1/2 hours at the hospital, my husband and I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, without having received the epidural that I thought I wanted to have. To God be the Glory!!! God’s grace and His use of the class brought us through our first birth victoriously!

Bryant and Tangela

Testimonials - Vaginal Birth After C-Section Delivery

My husband and I thank God for a precious and memorable birthing experience. Our desire as a couple was that God would be the center of the entire labor and delivery process.
Our first child was born by emergency caesarian section. As a couple, we began to pray fervently that our second child would be delivered vaginally. Personally, I desired to experience labor the way God made my intricate body to give birth. I was blessed to have several friends encourage me to try a VBAC. Many of them had experienced a successful VBAC.
At first, my doctor was very positive and was willing to let me attempt a more natural birth since my pregnancy was going smoothly the second time. However, my doctor grew skeptical by my 39th week check-up, because I still had not dilated. However, all along God had his plan as I began labor just the next morning!
My husband and I took our labor and delivery preparation classes from First Birth Ministries during our first pregnancy. The knowledge and support that we gained very much prepared us for an unexpected emergency surgery. We thought it wise to retake the class knowing it could help us understand how we could best prepare for a vaginal birth.
As labor began, we reached for our class workbook. Though we were experiencing labor for the first time, we felt very prepared. Sharon Tilotta, our class instructor, had given us not only practical information, but had stressed the importance of a Christ-centered birth.
Our labor lasted a total of 25 hours. We had learned that VBAC attempts can often make for a longer labor. The memory of my husband and I working together through the labor process is something I will always treasure. At times, the pain intensified leaving my husband to feel helpless. However, just as we anticipated, God used my husband to help carry the load. We listened to music, worshipped, prayed, breathed our funny patterns, and worked together to find positions that would make me feel more comfortable. We even walked in the rain for a change of scenery!
My husband and I committed our labor and birth to the Lord desiring that He would be glorified even to the point that others would see. We wanted the doctors and nurses to see God’s love at work in our lives. Our praise music was playing in the background as we waited for the final push to deliver our daughter. I loved knowing that my doctor and nurse were hearing the same words of truth that were comforting our anxious hearts. Viewing our daughter’s birth through the hospital mirror during the final moments of delivery was fascinating! God had given us the desires of our heart.
Only Almighty God could have created such a perfect and awesome way to bring forth a new life!

Dave & Amy

When I found out that I was pregnant, I went to the library and bookstore to read every single book that I could find about childbirth. First Birth Ministries was recommended by a friend and I figured my husband and I should go just to wrap up the ideas I had been studying. I didn’t think that I had much more to learn. Thank the Lord, I was so wrong! The First Birth classes opened my eyes to the spiritual realm of pregnancy and childbirth as well as emotional and psychological aspects of childbirth. We were so blessed by First Birth Ministries. When my pregnancy became complicated, labor lasted 3 days and I eventually gave birth via c-section. I was really able to rely on God and learn more about Him!
When I found out I was pregnant for the second time, I immediately called Sharon TIlotta to sign up for another First Birth class. I knew that I needed to brush up on the breathing techniques and medical details, but I also had some spiritual issues to work through, and I knew no other class could even begin to help me deal with those. I found the First Birth classes to be even more meaningful the second time around. Because I had experienced labor from our son’s birth, I could better relate to the material presented. I came away from each class feeling I could apply the concepts to my upcoming birth even better than before. Also, Sharon really helped me navigate through the fear and uncertainty that often comes from attempting a vaginal birth after a cesarean. When I went into labor the second time, I was armed with knowledge, Scripture, and peace about whatever God would do during this birth. My husband and I invited Sharon to assist us during the time of labor and delivery, and as a result, I had a wonderful, natural delivery. More importantly, I felt God’s presence and His pleasure the day our daughter was born.

Tyndall and J

When I had my first baby, I desired to give birth with as little intervention as possible. However, I experienced a spectrum of intervention that began with the breaking of my water bag and usage of pitocin. This decision led to the use of narcotics, an epidural and finally a c-section. I quickly found myself suffering from post-partum depression for five long months. I found myself struggling with the simple day-to-day care of my newborn. Because of my depression, I did not enjoy my new life as a mother.
Seven months after our son was born, I was pregnant again. Once again, I desired to give birth with little intervention. I had heard of “vbac”, a vaginal birth after cesarean. I was told that this would be impossible because of my physical frame. However, this birth experience was very different. I prepared with the help of First Birth Ministries and invited Sharon Tilotta to be my labor support. As suggested in our childbirth preparation classes, scripture became a part of spiritual support to give me the courage and strength that I needed. Physically, I labored in upright, gravity prone positions as was illustrated in class. Emotionally, my husband’s love carried me through the suffering of labor.
As a result, I delivered my second child with no interventions and no complications. I am grateful that God gave me the desires of my heart by allowing me to give birth without surgery. Secondly, I am grateful for this ministry that encouraged me, loved me, and became an instrument of blessing to our household.

Simeon and Iris

Testimonials - C-Section Delivery

It seemed from the moment that my husband and I sat in the first night’s class, that through the power of the Holy Spirit, God was preparing our family for our baby’s birth. We were receiving facts and knowledge to prepare for labor and delivery. However through Christ’s leading, Sharon Tilotta, our instructor, began to equip us with scripture. As a husband and wife, we began to learn how to stand firmly on God’s Word and discover in new ways that He is truly a real and living God.
Our baby was breech from early on in my pregnancy and never turned. As we were approaching our due date, on many occasions we gave our daughter’s birth and our concerns to our Lord. In times of question and discouragement, Sharon would bring strength and comfort by encouraging us in the Lord.
My c-section delivery was not the ending I thought. We prayed much, committed scripture to our hearts and knew that we were to stand and see God’s deliverance in our lives. We found that peace that truly passed our understanding. As a result, God allowed me to learn greater lessons and experience his faithfulness once again as He took me to a new place of freedom in my personal walk with Him. We praise God for the ministry of First Birth Ministries and Sharon Cave.

Tom, Amanda and Olivia

Emergency C-Section Delivery

So many blessings abound when you seek the Lord and strive to walk in His will. His will, however, does not always adhere to our plans! My husband, Evan, and I were very determined to have a natural childbirth, believing that it was the best choice for our unborn child and us. My mother delivered five children naturally and I was confident that I would do the same.
The pregnancy went like a dream. Not escaping some nausea, pressure and discomfort, my blood pressure was perfect throughout. No swelling, excessive weight gain or other complications occurred. In fact, I was very active, walking one to three miles per day the day I gave birth. The nurses and doctors predicted a textbook delivery.
My water broke before I could feel any real contractions. Still feeling no labor pains, we went to the hospital several hours later to be treated with antibiotics for Strep B. While being checked in, we discovered that my blood pressure was rising dramatically. Several hours later, my pregnancy had not progressed and my blood pressure was still rising. Within the next four hours I was induced, given narcotics, put on magnesium sulfate and diagnosed with HELLP disease. I would not understand the disease or the complications for several more days due to the effects of magnesium sulfate and narcotics. The doctors and my family insisted upon a caesarian delivery to protect the health of our child and me.
Isaiah Paul Lips was born via caesarian delivery at 9:01 p.m. on March 31, 2004. Weighing in at 5 lbs. 11 oz., he will always be the child I wish had been delivered naturally.
Through First Birth Ministries, Evan and I gained the confidence, knowledge and experience to help us with the delivery. In addition, we grew closer together and closer to the Lord. At the conclusion, Evan and I missed attending the classes; we enjoyed the fellowship with the other members and Sharon. The events of the birth did not go at all as planned or practiced. In fact, only progressing two centimeters during labor, we were unable to use many of the tools that the class provided. However, the class’s teachings on dealing with fear and depending upon the Lord helped us through the unexpected complications.
The blessings of an extraordinary recovery, a beautiful child and a closer walk with God are not comparable to what we had planned. To prepare for our second child, we intend to take classes through First Birth Ministries again. We believe it makes the difference.

Evan and Courtney

Testimonials - Birthing Of Special Needs Children


… Son of Sharon Tilotta, President of First Birth Ministries
The birth of Michael Samuel in May 1988, changed the life of our family forever. Within hours of our son’s birth, it was discovered that he was born with alobar holoprosencephaly. This diagnosis told us that our son was born with only 1/3 of his brain. The doctor’s prognosis was that he would be blind, deaf, and never progress. According to the medical journals, he would live only a few short weeks, but if he lived he would never walk or talk or live a normal life. Needless to say, those first hours, days and even weeks were filled with our tears.
God’s Word was an immediate source of comfort. Like a song playing over and over in my head, were the words of the scripture reminding me that God had created man. As I looked upon my beautiful baby, I could say along with God, “It was good!”. The peace of God filled my heart and mind dispelling fear and worry. Times in the scripture reminded me of the love and the power of God. This truth gave me joy that resulted in the sustaining strength that remains in my life today.
Michael Samuel was not blind, nor deaf, and progressed continually through his life. Though he was totally dependent, he miraculously lived 31 1/2 years . My memory of him is that his life was a total blessing to our family.
To receive a detailed testimony, email us with your address and we will mail you the remarkable story of Michael Samuel’s life.


Soon after I discovered I was pregnant, I felt God telling me that my new baby would be a boy and I was to name him Samuel. My new husband feared I was nutty from hormones, but agreed to the name after I read 1 Sam 2:26, which says, “Now the boy Samuel was growing in stature and in favor both with the LORD and with men” and 1 Sam 3:19 “Thus Samuel grew and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fail.” I know these were promises from God for our baby.
I have seen the scriptures fulfilled in some ways already. During my labor the premature baby’s vitals declined dangerously requiring an emergency c-section delivery. God favored him by sparing his life and quickly healing his tiny body.
We were told later the following day that Samuel was unable to eat or breath properly and that he was Down Syndrome. The pediatrician told us that children with DS have an extra chromosome, but no .mean. gene. The geneticists recommended nursing Samuel for two years because of the IQ and Immune System boost it provides and to develop increased muscle tone in his mouth for better speech and eating, etc… I pumped for 6 weeks before Samuel was nursing full time and he is still nursing great. Throughout his two weeks in NICU, we were told that he was a “miracle baby” because he was able to accomplish things the “books” and doctors said he should be unable to (i.e. nursing). My family was told Samuel was the “favorite” baby of the NICU nurses and staff because of his sweet temperament.
Samuel is 15 months old now and he continues to be highly favored among his therapists, doctors, friends and family because while most children his age prefer mom and dad, Samuel puts his little arms out to everyone to give hugs and sloppy baby kisses, a picture of God’s unconditional love. He works long hours without complaint to learn things that come naturally to most children. God has made sure the numerous concerns we have about raising a “special” child are eclipsed by the joy he brings us
Please feel free to call me at 281.858.1494, if you have any questions about my child or the agencies that work with special needs children or go to www.DSAH.org (Down Syndrome Association of Houston) to their Links page for the State, Federal and private Agencies that offer assistance.

Tricia and Jeff

We are a Christian organization of Registered Nurses and Childbirth Educators that specialize in the field of obstetrics and childbirth education.

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